Magnolia Tree

Magnolia Tree

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

8 days; 16 people later

I have a total of 6 cast members and 10 staff members for my senior project. I'm beginning to realize how chaotic it is to try to get my staff members and cast members to meet up on one day over the summer. A lot of people are on vacation, which I have no reason to complain about, considering that I will be gone for 3 weeks this summer. However, at the very least, I need to conduct some staff meetings this summer. If I don't, then there will only be a month and a half to bring the technicalities of this show to life, which I can say that the technical part of this show is going to be so important. I hope that all of my staff members realize that.

Meanwhile, my goal before I leave on Sunday is to get every script to each cast member. I would love for them to study and memorize lines over the summer so that way there will not be as much pressure once school starts. I am planning on having a readthrough during the first week of August.

I now have recorded 15 hours on this project, which is the minimum number of hours one must complete for a passing senior project. There are going to be so many hours on my portfolio, and I am hoping that the staff of my high school will realize how much work I am putting into my senior project.

The definition of a "summer vacation" is going to be a lot different in my book this year. There are so many more things that I need to get done before the school year starts!