Magnolia Tree

Magnolia Tree

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Steel Magnolias Update 5/05/11

     Today, I had a meeting with my fellow Thespians at my high school! During this meeting, I finally found a technical director! I'm glad that is out of the way, because there is a lot of things that I will need to discuss with her before auditions.
     I have also found a publicity producer, which is another essential element to putting on this production. I still have yet to find a financial producer. However, I have people in mind that I have sent messages to. Hopefully I will find people who are interested in that. 
      As for research, I started looking up on Youtube different versions and scenes from other theatre groups that have put on the show Steel Magnolias. This is to see how other people have interpreted this show on stage, since it is a lot different from the well known movie. Oh, and I also found out that exactly ten years ago, my high school put this show on for a production. I find it very neat to be able to revive and celebrate the performance of this phenomenal story. 
     It is already May, and this production will be my mainstream focus as the school year is coming to an end. I cannot even begin to write about how excited I am for the auditioning process to begin. I know of a lot of women who are interested in helping bring this story to life. Its time to get pumped up for this show! 

The photo I added is a scene between Sally Fields and Julia Roberts, also known as M'Lynn Eatenton and Shelby Eatenton-Latcherie from the famous 1989 film, Steel Magnolias.

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