Magnolia Tree

Magnolia Tree

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why did I choose Steel Magnolias

   The other day, a good friend of mine asked me why I would have interest in directing a show like Steel Magnolias. I had to think long and hard about it, but what I have realized is that there are so many different reasons why. I won't remember all of them unless I write it down, which is the reason for this post.

  My first reason is because of the directing experience that I have. I've been the director of a ten-minute farce, and then I have also been the assistant director of a drama from american literature. I wanted to choose something that was distant from what I could relate to. Since I'm a very energetic person who loves to laugh, I felt like directing another comedy would be way too easy. Which is why I wanted to direct a drama.

  Another reason why is because of how personal this play is. The very first time I ever watched this movie, I probably cried for at least an hour after it was over. I was completely moved. The story is so inspirational, and it is really good at drawing in the audience.

   I also wanted to direct this because of the "small talk" that is in the majority of the script. I feel like blocking will not be too difficult; it needs to seem natural. Having said that, it will be difficult to block because I somehow need to make sure that I keep the audience engaged into the show, and not bored out of their minds. And, as someone who has seen a lot of shows, I cannot tell you how painful it is to watch people speak while doing absolutely nothing. So therefore, this is another reason why this show will be a challenge.

   My last reason for wanting to direct this show (The last reason that I can think of at least) is because it is a complete female cast. This will be the most challenging part for me, because as a director I need to be able to tell these women how to interact with each other and how they need to present themselves. I can speak for all guys when I say that we will never understand how powerful a bond between women really is. Especially if every woman within the friendship is independent and strong. I can definitely say that every single character in Steel Magnolias is strong, at least by the end of the play.

  Those are the only reasons that I can think of right now, but I will continue researching this show! My task for this week is to start dividing up the script and creating a rough draft schedule. I need to divide the scenes up, and then I REALLY need to think about how I am going to block this show.

T-minus 23 days until auditions! Its getting closer and closer. I need to stay focused before that day sneaks up on me!

Happy Mothers Day. Every single mother in the world today should be honored. We really take for granted what these women do for us sometimes, but today is the day we take time to appreciate them. Love you mom!

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