Magnolia Tree

Magnolia Tree

Monday, July 18, 2011



I have worked on so much this summer. I have created a props list, a sketch of the set, a brainstorm list for costumes, and so much more. I won't even begin to talk about how much time I worked on blocking, which is finally completed!! I've talked to my stage manager and my tech director, and we are already scheduling meetings with the staff members. This show is coming together more and more every day, and I'm absolutely stoked! I am going to have a meeting with everyone involved on August 3rd! We will have our first readthrough and I will give them rehearsal/staff meeting schedules. Everyone will be able to introduce themselves, say what they are going to be doing, etc.

Rehearsals are going to start on the first day of school!

This summer went by super fast, by the way. It worries me on how fast it will be until show week..

I have nothing but great feelings about this show!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

8 days; 16 people later

I have a total of 6 cast members and 10 staff members for my senior project. I'm beginning to realize how chaotic it is to try to get my staff members and cast members to meet up on one day over the summer. A lot of people are on vacation, which I have no reason to complain about, considering that I will be gone for 3 weeks this summer. However, at the very least, I need to conduct some staff meetings this summer. If I don't, then there will only be a month and a half to bring the technicalities of this show to life, which I can say that the technical part of this show is going to be so important. I hope that all of my staff members realize that.

Meanwhile, my goal before I leave on Sunday is to get every script to each cast member. I would love for them to study and memorize lines over the summer so that way there will not be as much pressure once school starts. I am planning on having a readthrough during the first week of August.

I now have recorded 15 hours on this project, which is the minimum number of hours one must complete for a passing senior project. There are going to be so many hours on my portfolio, and I am hoping that the staff of my high school will realize how much work I am putting into my senior project.

The definition of a "summer vacation" is going to be a lot different in my book this year. There are so many more things that I need to get done before the school year starts!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Tomorrow is the big day!

     I am so pumped. After all the research, the creating of too many different documents, and the timing on my stopwatch to record for my senior project, the day for auditions has finally come! There are so many people that I have talked to that are interested, and it is making me so excited.
     I have the same feeling right now that one would get right before going on stage to perform. I'd say there are probably around 600 butterflies in my stomach, and this play is literally the only thing I can think about. I'm more excited for these auditions than the fact that the last day of junior year is in 2 days. All I know is that I will most likely be having the hardest time casting this show. There will be so many different possibilities, but I can only have six women. That is not a lot at all, and I hope I don't pull my hair out as I am deciding on this cast tomorrow night.
     Yesterday I had my final meeting with my stage manager before auditions. We went on a Starbucks run and we talked about the show for maybe 2 or 3 hours. I know that she is just excited about these auditions as I am.
     All I know is that it actually feels real now. It was originally an idea, and tomorrow it will officially become a project. I cannot wait to see how everything unfolds.

And to all of those women who are auditioning..... Break a leg!

Audition info- Auditions will take place tomorrow, May 31st after school at 3:30 in the Studio Room at Columbus North High School. It will be a cold reading, so you don't need to have any monologues prepared. I can't wait to see the turn out tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Oh my goodness.
Exactly two weeks from today's date, I am going to be sitting at a table auditioning people for my show. It is so crazy that its this close! I am so excited!

As for research, I think I am very prepared. I have a bunch of blocking notes written down and I have a rough draft schedule made. All I need to do now is have one quick meeting with my stage manager and tech director. Then, I will be ready for my auditioners.

I can speak for all directors when I say to all actors that it is just as nerve wrecking to prepare for an audition as a director. It's a different kind of nervousness but it is still there. Nonetheless, I am even more excited!

Two weeks. Wow. I can't wait.

Maybe I can audition everyone like how they do it in one of my all time favorite musicals, "A Chorus Line". I should make them stand in a line with their head shots over their faces. That'd be real classy, wouldn't it?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Robert Harling

   Okay, so today I found out some important research about this play's creator and writer, Robert Harling.

    The first thing I found out was the inspiration that Robert Harling had to write this story. He had written it based on his own, personal experiences with the death of his sister. I do not know this for sure, but I wonder whether or not his sister had diabetes. If his sister is supposed to resemble any character in the play, it would most definitely be Shelby.

    I also found out that he was actually a character in the film Steel Magnolias. He played a minister. Although it was not a very large role, I still think that it would be amazing to be apart of your own creation.

   Sadly, Robert passed away in 2008. It would have been absolutely amazing to meet him though. This is a phenomenal story.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why did I choose Steel Magnolias

   The other day, a good friend of mine asked me why I would have interest in directing a show like Steel Magnolias. I had to think long and hard about it, but what I have realized is that there are so many different reasons why. I won't remember all of them unless I write it down, which is the reason for this post.

  My first reason is because of the directing experience that I have. I've been the director of a ten-minute farce, and then I have also been the assistant director of a drama from american literature. I wanted to choose something that was distant from what I could relate to. Since I'm a very energetic person who loves to laugh, I felt like directing another comedy would be way too easy. Which is why I wanted to direct a drama.

  Another reason why is because of how personal this play is. The very first time I ever watched this movie, I probably cried for at least an hour after it was over. I was completely moved. The story is so inspirational, and it is really good at drawing in the audience.

   I also wanted to direct this because of the "small talk" that is in the majority of the script. I feel like blocking will not be too difficult; it needs to seem natural. Having said that, it will be difficult to block because I somehow need to make sure that I keep the audience engaged into the show, and not bored out of their minds. And, as someone who has seen a lot of shows, I cannot tell you how painful it is to watch people speak while doing absolutely nothing. So therefore, this is another reason why this show will be a challenge.

   My last reason for wanting to direct this show (The last reason that I can think of at least) is because it is a complete female cast. This will be the most challenging part for me, because as a director I need to be able to tell these women how to interact with each other and how they need to present themselves. I can speak for all guys when I say that we will never understand how powerful a bond between women really is. Especially if every woman within the friendship is independent and strong. I can definitely say that every single character in Steel Magnolias is strong, at least by the end of the play.

  Those are the only reasons that I can think of right now, but I will continue researching this show! My task for this week is to start dividing up the script and creating a rough draft schedule. I need to divide the scenes up, and then I REALLY need to think about how I am going to block this show.

T-minus 23 days until auditions! Its getting closer and closer. I need to stay focused before that day sneaks up on me!

Happy Mothers Day. Every single mother in the world today should be honored. We really take for granted what these women do for us sometimes, but today is the day we take time to appreciate them. Love you mom!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Steel Magnolias Update 5/05/11

     Today, I had a meeting with my fellow Thespians at my high school! During this meeting, I finally found a technical director! I'm glad that is out of the way, because there is a lot of things that I will need to discuss with her before auditions.
     I have also found a publicity producer, which is another essential element to putting on this production. I still have yet to find a financial producer. However, I have people in mind that I have sent messages to. Hopefully I will find people who are interested in that. 
      As for research, I started looking up on Youtube different versions and scenes from other theatre groups that have put on the show Steel Magnolias. This is to see how other people have interpreted this show on stage, since it is a lot different from the well known movie. Oh, and I also found out that exactly ten years ago, my high school put this show on for a production. I find it very neat to be able to revive and celebrate the performance of this phenomenal story. 
     It is already May, and this production will be my mainstream focus as the school year is coming to an end. I cannot even begin to write about how excited I am for the auditioning process to begin. I know of a lot of women who are interested in helping bring this story to life. Its time to get pumped up for this show! 

The photo I added is a scene between Sally Fields and Julia Roberts, also known as M'Lynn Eatenton and Shelby Eatenton-Latcherie from the famous 1989 film, Steel Magnolias.